Jadin Swarts is a Junior at Ashland High School who received the honor of presenting her artwork in front of professional artists. Since her Freshman year, Swarts has been fascinated with the amazing world of art. It all started, according to Swarts, with “simple doodles” which she thought nothing of for awhile. Then she realized that she could take her art to the next level and really have fun and play around with it. She started working on it and now has complex forms of art; which are drawings from mechanical items, to simple geometric shapes with plenty of shades of grey, black, and white. She also dabbles into the colorful side of the spectrum, but those art projects tend to be more simple. Jadin says that she is “more comfortable using pencil.” It may be simple, but that doesn’t stop her from making beautiful drawings and pictures from the common graphite.
Some may think that someone’s Freshman year is probably too late to really get into, and good at, art, but that is not the case for Jadin. She uses the idea of constantly improving to strive towards better artwork. It doesn’t matter what year to begin in Jadin’s eyes. “I always keep my previous drawings and sketches to see my progress,” Jadin stated. She uses progress as her motivation and is always believing she can get better. That is what makes drawing, and other ways to create masterpieces, so much fun and worth the time to Jadin.
Each year, Mr. Schoenleber recommends students to be represented in the art walk. This year will be Jadin’s first appearance in the First Friday art walk. She finds it “a honor to be allowed to have artwork shown professionally.” Jadin will be showing off her work along with her friend, Paige Stephens, at Weisinger’s Winery, which is located at 3150 Siskiyou