This is the Start of Something New
September 16, 2014
For Homecoming this year, the entire school is straying away from the traditional homecoming that has taken place in past years. Voting will no longer revolve around mainstream popularity. The royal courts will now be composed of students that represent an ethical piece of this high school and who embody the true Grizzly spirit. The leadership class has come up with an innovative protocol that will make Homecoming more meaningful. The hope is that the winners will be people who accurately demonstrate what it means to be a Grizzly; that is those who act responsibly, show respect and have integrity. The major changes include: three winners from each class, the inclusion of faculty voting and the abolishment of gender stereotypes. A common question arising is what is exactly meant when talking about abolishing gender in voting. The answer is a simple one: there will no longer be gender related titles such as king and queen or prince and princess. Instead, there will be Grizzly Royalty and Grizzly Court. The student body will no longer vote for five boys and five girls. They will now vote for ten people regardless of gender. The ASB Co-Presidents Jackson Richmond and Brielle Preskenis want to emphasize that the change is centered around letting the students at Ashland High School know that they make a difference and that they will be accepted regardless of gender, class, ability, sexual preference, race or religion. We live in the 21 century where our customs and beliefs are constantly fluctuating. Because of this, the entire school is welcomed to take a stand and reform the present while passing on new improvements to the generations to come. The goal is to achieve an inclusive environment where no one feels isolated because of their identity, whatever that identity is defined as. This is a great step and has the potential to create a progressive community and pave the path toward complete equity.
Article Contributed by Mimi Schaefer-Sharp