For students heading off to college one thing is sure; most will be taking on the title of “broke college student.” There is one thing keeping many students from this fate, scholarships. Members of the National Art Honor Society (NAHS) are offered a chance at an additional scholarship to help pave the way through college. The first place scholarship awarded is $20,000 to go toward tuition.
On Friday, February 13th, in the theater lobby NAHS is hosting a student art show from 4pm – 7pm. The NAHS artists will be selling their artwork, as well as one-of-a-kind greeting cards, and offering portraits. Each of the 20 participating artists will be showcasing around 3 pieces each, varying in size. The Art Show is a fundraiser to supplement the cost of a field trip to San Francisco to go to major art museums.
According to Sam Scharf, head of the AHS NAHS chapter, becoming involved in the Honors Society is simple. An open interview process is held each spring where student art, character and drive is evaulted. Those accepted participate in service projects, do art together, and critique and discuss art together. The National Art Honor Society is an organization headed by the National Art Education Association, whose mission is to raise awareness and act as advocates for the arts. The Ashland High Chapter is comprised of serious artists working to better themselves and helping those surrounding them.
Photo Credits: Michelle Zundel