New Year’s resolutions done right

The tradition of New Year’s resolutions was created in order to bring focus to a specific goal that we would like to work towards over the duration of the new year. New Year’s resolutions have been a huge part of our history and culture for over 4,000 years. These resolutions can be magical for growth and self-love, but they can also be incredibly damaging to our mental and physical well-being. A common theme we see among these resolutions is weight loss. Whether it’s the media pushing us to work out more or our relatives telling us to eat less, the idea that “you’ll be happy when you’re thin” is all around us. According to, the most common commitments people made for last year were exercising more (46%), improving their diet (45%), and losing weight (44%). While these numbers might sound harmless at first, there is a deeper psychological effect that impacts our mental and body health. The idea that happiness relies on body shape perpetuates a negative stigma around bigger bodies and glorifies certain disorders. So, how can we destroy the negative connotations around weight while also keeping a special tradition? Easy! Making sure that our resolutions are positive and appropriate is one thing we can do to contribute to the body acceptance movement. There are an astronomical number of resolutions to pick from, many of which are purely positive and don’t relate to physical appearance. Picking up a new hobby, getting involved in community service, and bettering yourself are key examples of positive resolutions that can lead to personal growth! So, let’s ditch the weight loss resolutions this year and stick with the ones that push positive change from within!