‘Tis the season to be thankful for everything one has. Everything from round trip tickets to an exotic island over Christmas break, to simple necessities such as a safe and warm place to stay.
Unfortunately, not everyone in Ashland can provide themselves and their families with simple necessities during the cold winter months. Fortunately, the community of Ashland, along with local churches, school clubs, and Ashland High School Leadership, has a goal to help everyone in need over the winter.
The Ashland School District is conducting a canned food drive. All students and families are encouraged to bring cans or non-perishable food items. If Ashland High School collects more food per student than the other local schools, AHS gets an extended lunch.
From Dec. 1-9, Ashland High School will be having a warm clothing drive. Anything warm, such as sleeping-bags, blankets, mittens, jackets, and shoes are wanted. The clothes must be in good shape and should be brought to the main office or to a student’s fifth period class by Dec. 9. The fifth period class with the most clothing will be awarded a pizza party.
Knit-Wits, the AHS knitting club, is also giving to the less fortunate by knitting warm hats for the Dunn House. The Dunn House offers a place for people to escape violence and abuse. The yarn to make the hats was donated by The Webster’s yarn store. The hats are currently on display in the main office and will be put to good use in the winter months at the Dunn House.
All students are encouraged to get involved in the spirit of giving. Ashland High School’s main office will have up to date information regarding all events helping the community. Local churches, Community Works, and Heifer International also have opportunities for people to give a helpful hand to those in need.