Resolutions: Thing of the past or helping the future?

Pro by Gabriel Dixon

     “A new year, a new me.” This is the phrase we hear every single New Year’s and then for the next few weeks afterwards. It is satisfying to set up a goal and then work hard to complete it. There is no better excuse to do so than New Year’s. Whether you are trying to raise your grades or get better at something you’re passionate about, a New Year’s resolution is all about the saying “a new year, a new me.” One thing most people lack is motivation, and there isn’t much better motivation than everyone reminding you of your goal by asking “hey, what’s your New Year’s resolution?” every day, which admittedly can get annoying, but sometimes annoyance is good if it’ll get you off your butt and get you trying to do what you want to do. 

      A New Year’s resolution is all about accomplishing a goal and – so if you’re doing that – anything can be your New Year’s resolution. Even if it is something as simple as, like hanging out with your cat. Of course, your New Year’s resolution doesn’t have to be something that requires any work, it could just be a mindset change. A common New Year’s resolution is just wanting to relax more or spend more time with your family and friends. These are the kind of things that are often forgotten about, while being just as, if not more important than any school/work-based achievements. When you are trying to pursue your New Year resolution this year try to remember to give yourself a break. When you inevitably mess up and get off track of your goal just keep at it. The main reason people stop pursuing their New Year’s resolution is simply because it becomes too stressful if you keep beating yourself up about every little mistake, which quickly becomes counterproductive.  

     New Year’s resolutions are a good and fun thing that usually end up being dropped 2 months into the new year, so one important thing is to remember your New Year’s Resolution, and to put it up somewhere physically, preferably in writing. Most importantly, when you are saying “a new year, a new me” don’t take that saying too seriously because changing yourself isn’t something that happens overnight, but something that you need to work on over time. 


Con by Ava Tobar

     Confession time: I’ve had a resolution every year myself since the 7th grade, so for me to be against resolutions as a whole would be awfully hypocritical. The same one actually – to be less of a negative person to the people around me. I’m not against changing one’s life around at all, but New Year’s resolutions rarely can hurt rather than help people. When people’s poorly constructed resolutions inevitably fail, they can feel like it was their fault that their high hopes never came to fruition, when in actuality it was the lack of structure and specificity. “I’m going to start going to the gym,” “I want to start eating healthier,” “I’m going to learn a new hobby.” Those resolutions falling flat can cause unavoidable disappointment improperly aimed at oneself doesn’t help anyone in the long run.

     With how America’s capitalist system takes advantage of New Year’s resolutions, I would advise against doing them at all. Businesses know that people make these false promises to themselves around this time of year and will take advantage of you. Whether that means raising prices or offering bundled opportunities, you most likely won’t be getting your money’s worth.

     Truth be told, I think everyone will have times in their life when they notice that something has to change, quickly.

     My advice to anyone wanting to make a resolution that is specific and has consequences/rewards. Change “I’m going to start going to the gym” to “I will exercise for at least three hours every week.” That resolution gives you a specific number to hit and doesn’t relegate you to only exercising at the gym. Switch “I’m going to learn a new hobby” to “I will go to knitting club at least three times a month to learn skills from the members.” That resolution creates community and social consequences – especially if you ask the knitting club to hold you to your promise.

     The mere thought that something as fake as the concept of time and numbers on a calendar changing can make someone switch their whole life around is absurd. Deciding to change takes a lot of work, but can be a quite literal life-saver. Don’t make the mistake of putting pressure on yourself to complete a doomed campaign.

     Regardless of whether you are making New Year’s resolutions, let’s all get ready for the coming year and it’s eventual transfiguration into something new.