Ashland High School students join 2011’s class president (Tosh Evans) in room TH-118 every Thursday at lunch to have fun and learn about Jesus.

Betsy Bishop, the monitor of Jesus Club, has been teaching at AHS since 1988. The club, kept up only by students, officially started in 1994. “The club is always changing, depending on the students running it. It changes from dormant to extremely active and social,” Bishop says. In 2009 Tosh Evans began to lead the club when Betsy asked him if he would be interested in being the club’s president. Tosh Evans leads the sermons and encourages other students to come and participate. Guest performers and speakers help the students learn about God and Jesus.
“I like the ability to talk about God at school,” says Baylee Hill, “It is fun and interesting.” Students play games, eat their lunches, have treats, and express a common interest in Jesus and God with the other students that attend the club’s weekly meetings. The club’s environment is safe and welcomes every one who is interested to join them.