Want to be a Rotary Exchange student? Want to be a sexy foreigner? Go on Rotary exchange to experience a new culture and language in the 2012 academic year. How do you become eligible? You must be a good student, this does not mean a 4.0 student, but one who is dedicated and willing to learn. You must be at least 15 years of age and under the age of 17 by the time that you leave in August next year. In addition, you must be aware that your credits from exchange may not always transfer from the school abroad so you must be willing to make up those credits on your own. What are the benefits of going on exchange? It looks great on the college applications and more importantly gives you a new worldly view on your own life. To get started, go online or pick up an application at the counseling office for Rotary Youth Exchange. The application consists of two pages and a short essay, which seems to be a small prerequisite for spending a whole paid year abroad. The application in due by October 7th at noon.