Do you want to do something good for Ashland, as well as knock off a few needed community service hours? Try spending a few hours volunteering at The Ashland Emergency Food Bank on chosen Saturdays.
The Ashland Emergency Food Bank is a nonprofit organization that works to help feed individuals and families who are in need of food throughout the Ashland area. Volunteering at the food bank is easy and goes straight towards your mandatory 100 hours of community service needed to graduate.
“It’s nice to help the less fortunate,” Aimee Miller said, a student volunteer at The Ashland Emergency Food Bank. “Volunteering helps make the jobs of workers at the Food Bank easier, so more can be done for our community.” There are multiple tasks you can help with while volunteering, including unloading items from donators, sorting the donations, or storing them away to later be collected.
If you’re interested, you can volunteer on “pick-up days,” the second Saturday of every evenly numbered month (December, February, April, etc.) Shifts are usually two to three hours, and on these days your work hours count as double toward your AHS community service. As a thank you from the Food Bank, all you have to do is sign in and sign out while volunteering, and the Food Bank will add the hours to your school community service log for you. By volunteering at The Ashland Emergency Food Bank, you are not only benefiting your educational needs, but you are also benefiting the community of Ashland.
Contact the Ashland Emergency Food Bank:
560 Clover Drive, Ashland, OR 97520
(541) 488-9544