Come and take advantage of the great opportunity of gaining life long skills at our very own high school. Rogue Community College is giving AHS students the opportunity of taking the RCC Electronics course on campus. This is open to all students and there are no prerequisites to this course. The RCC Electronics course will be offered Mondays and Wednesdays during 4th and 8th periods, starting at 2:15 and ending at 5:15 pm.
This opportunity will entitle you to both RCC and AHS elective credits toward your transcripts. This course entails “ learning mechanical assembly, programming, and motion control in automated systems” and “ introduces digital concepts including binary number systems and basic logic as well as concepts and components in DC electronics fundamentals,” as stated in the RCC course description.
The course tuition is $645, and must be paid by March 23. This is a modest amount compared to the amount of credits you receive. For more information view this flyer or visit the counseling office for information and an application.